Intro to 3D Printing Course at South Hill Park

We met Martin Franklin, Digital Media Manager for South Hill Park Arts Centre, at Reading Geek Night and he expressed an interested in hosting our Build Party. Fast forward a few months and with his help we have teamed up with digital artist Riette Hayes-Davies to give a weekend course on 3D design for 3D Printing at South Hill Park on the first weekend of March.

Riette is a Google SketchUp Pro and will be teaching the basics, and we will be talking about 3D printing and printing out the fruits of the weekend’s labour.

For more information and to book a slot, visit the event page.

Brighton Mini Maker Faire 2011

Brighton Mini Maker Faire 2011

Image courtesy of Rain Ashford

Saturday 3rd September was the first ever Brighton Mini Maker Faire at the Brighton Dome, and what a roaring success it was! With something over 5,000 people in attendance, we were run off our feet – the organisers should be extremely proud of themselves. We certainly had a fantastic time, and hope to be back next year. Continue reading Brighton Mini Maker Faire 2011


… a free two-day unconference (unscheduled conference) for anyone who loves anything related to technology, data, culture, community, open source…and more!


Just about recovered from Saturday’s revelry, and what a great time we had! The atmosphere was really open and friendly, and the interest in our Mendel was evident from the moment we got it out of the car. Some had never seen a 3D printer and some had already completed their own, but whatever the level of familiarity reactions were almost entirely positive.

We gave away lots of OSHW logos that we’d printed out and attached to business cards with a paperclip. Some of our example prints in particular attracted a lot of attention e.g. Martijn’s Tornado, the 3D Printed Roller Bearing, and perhaps unsurprisingly being an open source event, the head of the Android mascot. Continue reading OGGCamp11

Finally Fixed Jerky Flash Videos in Firefox on Kubuntu 11.04!

For months, ever since I installed Kubuntu 11.04 on my brand new shiny laptop, Flash videos have been jerky and frequently crashed the whole darn machine when played full screen. The “Official” advice regarding x64 Firefox and Flash didn’t help at all, but I never managed to get around to Googling the problem and finding a solution… Until now!

FlashAidSeveral threads on Ubuntu Forums suggested the Flash Aid Firefox Plugin, with many people reporting success. Now I am one of them! Although I didn’t achieve success at first, I had to do the following:

  1. Install FireAid plugin
  2. Restart Firefox
  3. Run FireAid Wizard
  4. In a command terminal, type:
    sudo apt-get remove --purge flashplugin-nonfree
    sudo apt-get remove --purge flashplugin-installer
    sudo apt-get remove --purge flashplugin64-installer
    sudo apt-get autoremove
    sudo updatedb
    sudo mkdir /etc/adobe
    echo "OverrideGPUValidation=true" >~/mms.cfg
    sudo mv ~/mms.cfg /etc/adobe/
  5. Reboot

Really I probably did it backwards and should have done 4 and 5 before 1, 2 and 3, but nevertheless it worked :)