Tag Archives: 3D Printing

3D Printing weekend at South Hill Park

It’s hard to believe that it has been over a month since our eagerly awaited “Introduction to 3D Printing” weekend at South Hill Park, and we’re still basking in the after-glow of a successful event (if I may say so myself).

The excitement began with the preparation when in the week before the event we were down to zero working printers. The Sanguinololu electronics on our trusty old workhorse Prusa had given up the ghost yet again with the heated bed, and the second machine (the TVRRUG demo) was yet to be calibrated. Fixing the Sanguinololu took us down to the wire, which left the Saturday morning while 3D masterpieces were being designed for me to get the second machine up and running.

Continue reading 3D Printing weekend at South Hill Park

3D Printed Chocolate Advent Calendar

It is time to reveal one of the big projects we have been working on over the past month – a 3D Printed Chocolate Advent Calendar!

After collaborating at Brighton Mini Maker Faire, the guys at Moving Brands (MB) asked RepNap for our help in an ambitious end-of-year project of theirs – to print their very own chocolate advent calendar, each piece a personal motif designed by a member of staff, in 6 weeks.

As you can imagine, it took a significant amount of persuasion to get me to sign up for the challenge – all of about a millisecond’s worth.

Well, they did it, and with oodles of style!

Continue reading 3D Printed Chocolate Advent Calendar

Intro to 3D Printing Course at South Hill Park

We met Martin Franklin, Digital Media Manager for South Hill Park Arts Centre, at Reading Geek Night and he expressed an interested in hosting our Build Party. Fast forward a few months and with his help we have teamed up with digital artist Riette Hayes-Davies to give a weekend course on 3D design for 3D Printing at South Hill Park on the first weekend of March.

Riette is a Google SketchUp Pro and will be teaching the basics, and we will be talking about 3D printing and printing out the fruits of the weekend’s labour.

For more information and to book a slot, visit the event page.

Brighton Mini Maker Faire 2011

Brighton Mini Maker Faire 2011

Image courtesy of Rain Ashford

Saturday 3rd September was the first ever Brighton Mini Maker Faire at the Brighton Dome, and what a roaring success it was! With something over 5,000 people in attendance, we were run off our feet – the organisers should be extremely proud of themselves. We certainly had a fantastic time, and hope to be back next year. Continue reading Brighton Mini Maker Faire 2011