Tag Archives: Troubleshooting

Bowden Extruder Troubles

Our Huxley hot end kept popping out from the clamp, which was warping under the heat, and ramming into the print bed gouging out designs in the plywood.

Several iterations of clamp design later and we’ve settled on a beefed up version that seems to cope with the force of the extruder (even when I had set the Z STEPS_PER_MM to 20% of what it should have been). Continue reading Bowden Extruder Troubles

Gen 7 Up and Running

The trial run at making our own Gen 7 PCB was a success, so we ordered the components and went for the real thing. A few tricky obstacles required surmounting including out-of-date config files, a blown Pololu and invisible shorts, but finally we have life! Continue reading Gen 7 Up and Running