Tag Archives: OMC

Useful avrdude commands

Avrdude is a command line tool for uploading to and downloading from AVR microcontrollers. It is used in the background by Arduino to upload sketches.

It’s also the tool we used to upload the bootloader to all of the atmega644p chips provided in the TVRRUG OMC electronics kits.

Here are some useful commands when using avrdude. Continue reading Useful avrdude commands

Adding the TVRRUG OMC board to Arduino IDE

In order to compile and upload Arduino sketches to custom boards like the TVRRUG OMC the configuration of the board must be specified, for example what chip it uses at what clock speed etc.

In version 1.6.4 theĀ Arduino IDE changed the way custom boards are defined and managed in order to support a wider range of chip architectures.

TVRRUG member Bo has figured out the changes and made it as simple as can be for the rest of us to use the latest versions of Arduino with our OMCs and providedĀ instructions at the TVRRUG githhub repo. Thanks Bo!

Here follows an idiot’s version of Bo’s instructions.

Continue reading Adding the TVRRUG OMC board to Arduino IDE