Category Archives: RepRap

Goodbye RepRap Host Software, Hello RepG

After spending the weekend getting sub-optimal prints using the RepRap host software and trying without success to understand the various settings for calibration, I have given up on it for reasons I will expand upon. Skeinforge seems to be very popular with the 3D Printing community, but it is quite intimidating with hordes of different settings! So I have plucked for ReplicatorG, which as I understand it has a nice friendly interface, with all the power of Skeinforge behind the scenes. Let’s see how I get on.

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RepRap: The Story So Far

When my father and I first embarked on our RepRap journey, there wasn’t a single one in the world that had actually printed anything. Forget cutting edge, this was bleeding edge technology.

Fast forward roughly 5 years: there are working RepRaps all over the world, and we are finally on the brink of joining this club. In the coming weeks I plan to record our experience of “the home-straight”, but first here is a quick summary of how we got here.

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