On a whim I decided to push our 0.5mm nozzle and see exactly what the biggest layer height it could achieve whilst retaining print quality is. The idea was to speed up printing large objects that do not require high resolution, but the results were an interesting textured effect that I rather like. Continue reading Unexpected Texture Effect
Category Archives: RepRap
Importance of Wade’s Spring Tension
Having the right spring tension on your Wade’s extruder can be the difference between a useful part and a broken part. Continue reading Importance of Wade’s Spring Tension
Backlash Battles
If you have wonky circles or infill not meeting the edges in your prints, then you likely have backlash. There are several potential causes of backlash in your 3D printer, which makes it a particularly tricky problem to iron out. I’ve been trying to eliminate the backlash in Mendel, and have had some success. Continue reading Backlash Battles
3D Printing & RepRap on BBC Click
Click’s Spencer Kelly gets a 3D print of his own head at a rapid prototyping lab in London, and looks at whether creating objects from scratch in your own home could soon be as easy as downloading the design.
Visit Us at OggCamp11
We will be bringing our RepRaps on the Saturday of this year’s OggCamp, joining in with the Open Source love. Never been to one before but heard good things so looking forward to it!
Upgrading Mendel to RAMPS and Heated Bed
Having assembled the RAMPS kit and received a new heated bed to replace the broken one, it was for Mendel’s first major overhaul – replacing Techzone Gen3 electronics, and adding a heated bed. Continue reading Upgrading Mendel to RAMPS and Heated Bed
GRRF RAMPS 1.2 Electronics Build
Our RAMPS 1.2 Electronics kit arrived from German RepRap Foundation the other day so I got cracking! Unfortunately I has having one of those days and my German and Google Translate weren’t too great, resulting in several LEDs with the wrong orientation and one in completely the wrong place! Thankfully everything still works (except the LEDs). Continue reading GRRF RAMPS 1.2 Electronics Build
Come See Us at Brighton Mini Maker Faire
Saturday 3rd September 2011, 10am-5pm
Brighton Dome foyer and bar
Bowden Extruder Troubles
Our Huxley hot end kept popping out from the clamp, which was warping under the heat, and ramming into the print bed gouging out designs in the plywood.
Several iterations of clamp design later and we’ve settled on a beefed up version that seems to cope with the force of the extruder (even when I had set the Z STEPS_PER_MM to 20% of what it should have been). Continue reading Bowden Extruder Troubles