For Christmas Dad got a photo light tent kit for taking product photographs, and it’s huge! It came with loads of stuff including the pop-up tent, backgrounds, stands and triple bulb lights with optional diffusers. Now just to figure out how to use it… where did we put the folding away instructions again?
Here are a couple of our first attempts. Obviously the backgrounds needed to be ironed, but it doesn’t seem too difficult to get some decent looking shots. Still got to figure out getting the exposure right for pictures with white backgrounds though.

Congratulations, that’s an amazing Turing bust uv created. How did u produce the 3D model, did u use Catch 123D? I’m a secondary teacher of Design & Technology in Midlothian, Scotland. I’ve built a functioning RepRap and would like to produce something similar with my students, would u be willing to make contact via e-mail? Unfortunately, I can’t seem to locate ur e-mail addy on ur blog and I’m not a Facebook or Twitter user for professional reasons.
Thanks, it took a lot of work!
We tried 123D Catch originally but due to the sunny conditions and reflections off the statue in the photos the detail of the model produced was not great. So we hooked up our Kinect to a motorcycle battery and scanned Alan in that way. There’s a much more detailed description of the process at my Dad’s site here That post and the two following take you all the way through it.
You’re right I should put my email up here. Anyway look out for a message from me in your inbox.